Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Techn., M.Sc., FIEEE, R
Jørgen Arendt Jensen
Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging
DTU Health Technology, Building 349, Room 222,
Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby,
Phone: 45 25 39 24 (direct),
Phone: 45 25 38 00 (operator),
E-mail: jaje@dtu.dk
Researcher ID: GXH-0647-2022
Google Scholar
New: You can learn more about Field II and advanced ultrasound imaging at our International Summer School on
Advanced Ultrasound Imaging at the Technical University of Denmark from May 14 to May 23, 2025
Please check it out at home.healthtech.dtu.dk/jaj/aui_2025.
The deadline for registration is May 1, 2025.
I am professor of Biomedical Signal Processing at the
Department of Healt Technology (DTU Health),
the Technical University of Denmark. My main interest is the application
of digital signal processing to medical ultrasound; especially synthetic
aperture imaging, vector flow imaging, super resolution, and ultrasound simulation.
This includes development of algorithms for performing fast
acquisition of clinical images, characterization and development of estimation
algorithms for determining vector blood velocities, development of research systems
for ultrasound imaging, algorithms and methods for super resolution imaging, and efficient and accurate simulation
of ultrasound systems.
I received the M.Sc. in electrical engineering in 1985, the Ph.D. in 1989 for work on deconvolution,
and the Dr. Techn. degree in 1996 for my work on blood velocity estimation in the book:
"Estimation of Blood Velocities Using Ultrasound,
A Signal Processing Approach",
which was published by Cambridge University Press in 1996. I have been
full professor at DTU since 1993 and I have been a visiting scientist at Duke University, North Carolina,
Stanford University, California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing,
all in the US. I became an IEEE Fellow in 2012.
Currently I head the
Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging. You can find a description of
the center and its research on the web-site link above.
I teach in courses on medical imaging. Links
can be found on the left. I am also one of the initiators of
the biomedical engineering education jointly offered by the Technical
University of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen. You can find more
information (in Danish) about the education at:
Our English education in Biomedical Engineering can be found at: