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Ultrasound Imaging', ''); add_menu('top', 'Field II', ''); add_menu('left','
Program','', 'program.html'); add_menu('left','Registration','', 'registration.html'); add_menu('left','Prerequisites for participation','', 'prerequisites.html'); add_menu('left','
Lecture plan','', 'schedule.html'); add_left_submenu('1','Lecture slides','lectures', 'lecture_slides.html'); add_menu('left','Reading material','', 'reading_material.html'); add_menu('left','
Lecturers and facilities','', 'lecturers.html'); add_menu('left','
Exercises','exercises', 'exercises.html'); add_left_submenu('1','1: Field II beamforming','exercises', 'exercise_1_field/field_II_exercise.html'); add_left_submenu('1','2: SA data acquisition','exercises','exercise_2_data_acquisition/cfu_scan_exercise.html'); add_left_submenu('1','3: Velocity estimation','exercises', 'exercise_3_velocity_estimation/flow_exercise.html'); add_left_submenu('1','4: Super resolution','exercises','exercise_4_sri/sri_exercise.html'); add_left_submenu('1','5: RC beamforming','exercises', 'exercise_5_rc_beamforming/rc_beamforming_exercise.html'); add_left_submenu('1','6: CMUT simulation','','exercises/exercise_6_cmut/cmut_exercise.pdf'); add_menu('left','Groups and time plans','', 'groups.html'); add_menu('left','
Assignments','assignments', 'assignments.html'); add_left_submenu('1','SA imaging','assignments', 'sa_assignment.html'); add_left_submenu('1','SA flow estimation','assignments', 'sa_flow_assignment.html'); add_left_submenu('1','Flow physics','assignments', 'flow_physics_assignment.html'); add_left_submenu('1','Super resolution imaging','assignments', 'sri_assignment.html'); add_left_submenu('1','Row-column arrays','assignments', 'rc_assignment.html'); add_left_submenu('1','CMUT probes','assignments', 'cmut_assignment.html'); add_menu('left','
Location and travel information','', 'location.html'); add_menu('left','Accommodation','', 'accommodation.html'); add_menu('left','Organization','', 'organization.html'); add_menu('left','
Social program','', 'social_program.html'); add_menu('left','
Photos Day 1','photo_pages', 'day_1.html'); add_menu('left','Photos Day 2','photo_pages', 'day2.html'); add_menu('left','Photos Day 3','photo_pages', 'day3.html'); add_menu('left','Photos Day 4','photo_pages', 'day4.html'); add_menu('left','Photos Day 5','photo_pages', 'day5.html'); add_menu('left','Photos Day 6','photo_pages', 'day6.html'); add_menu('left','Photos presentations','photo_pages', 'day7.html'); add_menu('left','
Site','', 'site.html'); add_menu('bottom', 'Technical University
of Denmark', ''); add_menu('bottom', 'Center for Fast
Ultrasound Imaging', ''); add_menu('bottom', 'DTU Health Tech', ''); add_menu('bottom', 'JAJ', ''); # # This file defines the pictures shown in the web page. # The web page can be divided into the following regions: # # +------------+--------------------------------------+ # | upperleft | upperright | # +------------+--------------------------------------+ # | middleleft | middleright | # +------------+--------------------------------------+ # | | | # | | | # | | | # +------------+--------------------------------------+ # | lowerleft | | # +------------+--------------------------------------+ # # The variables with extension "_alt" contain the # text which is displayed instead of the picture. # # The variables with extension "_link" contain eventual links. # # bordercolor - specifies the color of the table border # border - specifies what type of border is present # menu_line1 - specifies the picture for the lines in the menu. # # # add_image('position', 'file', 'description', 'link', 'alternative text'); add_image('upperleft', 'pictures/billede_tv.gif'); add_image('upperright', 'pictures/dtu_logo_ur_blue.png', 'Technical University of Denmark',''); add_image('middleleft', 'pictures/psf_small.jpg', 'Field II',''); add_image('middleright', 'pictures/aui_logo.png', 'Summer School on Advanced Ultrasound Imaging',''); add_image('lowerleft', 'pictures/haand.jpg', 'Håndlogo',''); add_image('menu_line','pictures/blue_line1.gif','Line'); # giving a name for the menu_line image #set_style('style name or file'); # Choose a file which contains the style sheet with # the definition of the colors # This is maintained in the jaj hpage catalog under the public www directory set_style('../hpage2/blue/blue.css'); # set_title('Title Name') # Sets the title of the whole site. If you want a separate # title for each of the pages from the menu, do not use # this function. Instead, in each of the ".HTML" files # use the HTML tags Name set_title('Summer School on Advanced Ultrasound Imaging'); show_updated('true'); # set_home_text('text') changes the default text "Home" which is used # to denote the "Home" of the web site. show_updated('true'); set_home_text('Main Page'); ?> DTU-Webpage
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International Summer School on

Advanced Ultrasound Imaging

Technical University of Denmark

May 24 to June 2, 2023

Welcome to the Summer School on Advanced Ultrasound Imaging, which will be held at the Technical University of Denmark from Wednesday May 24 to Friday June 2, 2023.

News: May 24: The web-site has been updated with lectures slides, reading material, exercises and the assignments. Also the lecture on scanners has been updated along with the exercise. The groups have also been partly made and can be seen here.

The social program has also be posted and can be found at: social_program.html.

May 15: The registration for the Somme School is now closed. The program and lectures are being made, and information about this will soon be send out directly to the participants.

January 3, 2023: The web-site for the summer school has now been updated.

Februay 20, 2023: The link for payment of the registration fee has been made. It can be found under Registration. The preliminary program for the school is now posted at: schedule.html.

The summer school is organized by professor Jørgen Arendt Jensen at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging at the Department of Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark along with faculty at the Department of Health Technology. The last day of the summer school will also give presntations about the research at CFU and will also present the latest research within advanced ultrasound imaging by Professor Herve Liebgott, CREATIS, Lyon on Transverse oscillation imaging, by Professor Mingxing Tang, Imperial College, London, UK on Super resolution imaging and by Professor Lasse Løvstakken, NTNU, Trondheim on 3D vector velocity imaging in the heart.

The aim is to give a hands-on introduction to advanced ultrasound imaging and its theoretical and practical basis. The topics for this summer school will be advanced ultrasound methods including Synthetic Aperture imaging for anatomic, flow, functional and super resolution imaging. Imaging in both 2-D with ordinary arrays and in 3-D with row-column arrays will be described. The attendants will have the possibility of acquiring data using Verasonics scanners and use this in their project conducted during the summer school. This curriculum includes the concepts of linear acoustic systems, spatial impulse responses, simulation, signal processing, contrast agents and advanced imaging. The course consists of a set of lectures given by international experts in ultrasound synthetic aperture imaging in 2-D and 3-D, cMUT and row-column probes, contrast agents, super resolution imaging and signal processing coupled with exercises and project work. During the course you will have the ability of both working with simulated as well as measured data from Verasonics scanners acquired using synthetic aperture imaging in both 2-D and 3-D. This will include both anatomic (B-mode) and flow data

You can obtain 2.5 ECTS points for the course. The exercises uses Matlab and the Field II program for the simulation of ultrasound imaging systems. It is suggested that you bring your own laptop with the two programs installed.

Registration for the summer school cost 1000 euro (7,500, and the registration deadline of May 1, 2023 has passed.

There is now 34 PhD students registered for the Summer School per May, 2023.
