defaultalt Technical University of Denmark
Field II Summer School on Advanced Ultrasound Imaging
    Main Page
Center for Fast
Ultrasound Imaging
Field II


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Prerequisites for participation
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Lecture plan

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Reading material
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Location and travel information

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Social program

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Photos from 2024

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2024 Day 2
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2024 Day 3
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2024 Day 4
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2024 presentations
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The registration fee is 1000 euro (7,500 and this covers lunches, and coffee/tea during the summer school, two dinners, and printed material. You should fill out the self-nomination form here. The deadline for registration is May 1, 2024. In case of cancellation before May 1, the fee will be refunded less an administrative charge of 50 euro. No refund will be made after this date.

The number of participants is limited to 40. In case we need to enforce that limit, the decision will be based on the order in which we receive registrations, combined with an attempt to accommodate participants from as many institutions as possible. Preference will also be given to Ph.D. students.

You register by sending an e-mail with the filled out self-nomination form to:
Professor, ph.d., dr.techn. Jørgen Arendt Jensen,
DTU Health Technology, Build. 349, room 222,
Technical University of Denmark,
2800 Lyngby,

Tlf: 45 25 39 24 (direct)

Once you have received confirmation about participating you can pay the registration fee of 1000 euro (7,500 Please follow the link: here. Note that your participation is only guaranteed once you have paid.

Last updated: 11:56 on Tue, 12-Mar-2024